Tagging + Filtering

Tutorial category: 
Quick Tips & Tricks
Vidjam always attempts to automatically detects how many beats are in your videos. When a video is created with the number of beats in the power of 2, Vidjam will automatically apply the correct beats tag value. For instance, if it contains 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 beats then this process is...
Tutorial category: 
Quick Tips & Tricks
Today we're going to show you how to quickly access all videos in the Visuals Complete library that contain a beatgrid. Videos with beat-grids allow Vidjam to dynamically adjust the speed of videos to match the tempo of your music in real-time - even when the music tempo is changing. After you...
Tutorial category: 
Main Controls
One of the modern challenges performing with video on stage or in-stream is playing the content you want exactly when you want it. What’s even more challenging is keeping that content in tempo sync and in phase with music throughout your session. Visual Libraries containing thousands of videos is...
Tutorial category: 
Main Controls
By default, three tag categories are displayed: rating, energy and settings. Use the ratings category to filter by the rating you have assigned to your media. You may select multiple ratings at a time. For instance, if you want to filter your videos into a playlist with only videos you assigned 8,...
Tutorial category: 
Main Controls
Settings is a special category that has many functions. Clicking the Stock Footage tag will filter the playlist to only include videos tagged as stock footage - leaving out any 3D and motion graphics files. When applied this tag also adjusts the starting point during transitions to account for...
Tutorial category: 
The tag system helps define and filter your media into playlists. Use tags to recall videos that you feel are the best fit for your music while you perform. This provides a quick and easy way to dynamically generate playlists on the fly in sync with your music. There are four types of tag...