Is there an instruction manual for Vidjam?
We offer dozens of short video tutorials in place of a manual to help communicate features by showing you. Access all video tutorials by clicking the ? in the top navigation bar of Vidjam.
Does your software work for both Mac and PC?
Yes Vidjam is available for Mac Silicon, Mac Intel and PC.
Why aren't my folders and videos appearing inside Vidjam's playlist?
Vidjam requires a specific folder hierarchy in order to accurately add media to its database. You will want to create this folder structure on your hard drive. Only videos that reside inside the Video Collection folders will be available to populate the playlist.
Does Vidjam work in stand-alone mode?
Yes, Vidjam can synchronize to other software or run in stand-alone mode.
The libraries are taking too long to download. Can you help?
The X8 library includes thousands of video files pre-organized into dozens of themes and categories for instant access on the fly. The download size is quite large and may take several hours to complete depending on your download speed. If you are purchasing the extended license and prefer to receive an external USB hard drive pre-loaded with the libraries we can arrange this for $97 + shipping. Please email support for this option. Sorry, the limited license cannot currently be shipped.
What is the difference between the limited and extended licenses for your libraries?
The limited license is lower cost but can only run in the instance of Vidjam you are purchasing it for. The limited license files are encrypted so they will not work outside of that instance of Vidjam. The extended license includes standard non-encrypted video files that can be used in your other software as well as Vidjam.
What are the restrictions of the free demo mode?
The only difference between the demo mode and the licensed mode is that all output in the demo mode will be watermarked. Feel free to download Vidjam and give it a try in demo mode!
Can I download a sample of the BeatSync and X8 libraries?
Yes, you may use the "Download Demo" links under Preferences / Downloads to try out a watermarked sample of the libraries. The demo libraries are much smaller than the full versions. The full libraries will include substantionally more content than the demos.
Can I use my own videos inside of Vidjam?
Yes of course. Supported Media types are displayed in Vidjam under Settings / Media. If you want them to appear in directory panels and playlists, simply add them to your media folder. Be sure to keep the folder structure on your hard drive as shown below in order for Vidjam to populate the panels correctly. If you just want to add them to a grid layer, they can reside anywhere on your computer.
What media formats do you support?
We support the most common formats including mov, avi, avi, mkv, webm, flv, png, bpm and jpg.
How do I activate my copy of Vidjam to remove the watermarks?
Vidjam is available as a free download but it will include a watermark on the output until a license is applied. After purchasing on this website, the license will be emailed to you and can be entered on a single machine. If you have purchased a license, click the Activate button after launching Vidjam and enter your activation information in the following screen.
How do I activate the libraries I purchased?
If you have purchased only a single license of Vidjam, the libraries will be automatically associated with your license in your account on this website. In that case, you do not need to do anything except relaunch Vidjam and download the libraries in Preferences / Downloads. If you have purchased multiple copies of Vidjam, you need to associate it with a license on this website in your customer area and then the libraries will be available for download for the license you associated the library with.