
As a live audio/visual performer, cameras provide an invaluable tool for capturing and integrating real-time, dynamic visuals into your performances. They enable you to showcase different perspectives, either of the crowd, the performers, or the environment, fostering a sense of connection and immersion. Additionally, the footage captured can be manipulated and transformed live, creating unique, unpredictable visual elements that keep the audience engaged and the performance fresh and exciting.

Tutorial category: 
The dedicated camera layer allows separate processing of camera feeds. It also provides a few controls unique to this layer type. To enable the layer you first want to enable at least one active camera in preferences. Now all of those cameras you’ve enabled are available to trigger, mix and...
Tutorial category: 
Use the camera's area to enable, name and adjust basic settings for all cameras detected by vidjam. All enabled cameras will appear in the camera layers. Use the flip-axis options as needed to compensate for different camera mounts and orientations. Select a camera output resolution from the pull-...