Beat Grid

As a live audio/visual performer, embedding a beat grid in visuals provides a framework that aids in precisely syncing them to the rhythm and tempo of the music. The grid is built into over 2000 videos included in the Complete package which can serve as a guide, helping to plan and execute visual transitions and effects in sync with the tempo, phase or changes in the music. Additionally, by visually expressing the structure of the music, a beat grid enhances the audience's perception of the relationship between the music and the visuals, intensifying their immersion in the performance.

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Quick Tips & Tricks
Vidjam always attempts to automatically detects how many beats are in your videos. When a video is created with the number of beats in the power of 2, Vidjam will automatically apply the correct beats tag value. For instance, if it contains 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 beats then this process is...